Forming the Facilitator: Formation and Professional Learning for Adult Formation
The goals of this program are to:
- Formation Experience: Provide participants with an experience of formation, as a colleague that shares responsibilities for the nurturing and development of the Edmund Rice charism in our schools.
- Professional Learning: Develop capacity of staff within EREA schools to plan, design and facilitate meaningful and effective adult formation opportunities.
- Professional Practice: Experience, reflect upon and practise the skills of facilitation through co-facilitating, with a Liberating Education Team member, the A Call to Participation (ACTP) formation program for new staff.
- Deepen Understandings of EREA Context: Develop an understanding of the core EREA documents pertaining to the Formation, Professional Learning and Leadership Development Framework and its associated Formation Design, and explore their application for staff formation planning and delivery.
The programe runs between 8 – 10 May. Participants in this program will complete the following stages:
- Stage 1: Online Module: Given that the Forming the Facilitator program is utilising the ACTP program as the foundation of the experience and professional learning, participants will need to complete the ACTP – Part A online module prior to coming the face-to-face program (approx. 90 mins). There will also be a couple of other pre-reading items circulated in May.
- Preparatory Zoom: All staff completing the ‘Forming the Facilitator’ program will connect via Zoom.
- Stage 2: Two Day Formation Program: participation in a two-day residential formation program and professional learning experience in Melbourne. This program uses the experience of the ACTP Program to provide the basis for an exploration of formation design and facilitation.
- Co-Facilitation Planning: In the lead up to your role as a co-facilitator, you will connect with your co-facilitator for final preparation and planning (approx. 2hrs).
- Stage 3: Co-Facilitation Role: the opportunity to co-facilitate, with a member of the Liberating Education Team, one day of the ACTP program within your own region in Term 3.
- Review: Given this is a pilot program, your reflections on the program and your experiences co-facilitating adult formation will be gathered and collated to inform any future such programs.
Target Participants: Those who carry a responsibility or passion for the transmission of the Edmund Rice spirit, vision and values amongst the staff and parent community. This program is not limited to those involved in Identity/Mission teams. However, potential participants would be expected to be committed to exploring adult faith formation within an Edmund Rice context and participation in at least one of the National Formation Programs i.e. A Call to Participation, A Call to Leadership, A Vision for Liberation, Corroboree: A Vision for Reconciliation or A Call to Transformation or the former versions (Galilee, Into the Deep, Break Every Yoke or Mt Sinai) is a pre-requisite.
Region | Date | Venue |
National | 12-14 May | Amberley Centre, VIC |