A Call to Leadership

This program provides participants with an opportunity to connect, learn and share with people who are called to leadership within their Edmund Rice community.

A Call to Leadership, drawing from Jesus’ call to the disciples to venture ‘into the deep’, explores the rewards and challenges of embracing a leadership model inspired by the vision of the Gospel, Edmund Rice and the Christian Brothers.

Participants, informed by the experience of their peers, will discern their own leadership vision and its lived expression.


Participation in A Call to Leadership offers you:
• a collegial network of support where challenges can be safely voiced;
• support in leading others in dialogue about EREA’s mission and educational priorities;
• affirmation of the gifts that you bring to your leadership role, and
• skill development that supports ongoing learning and self-awareness.

What participants have said:

“It offered a sense of perspective; I could step back and look at the bigger picture.”
“It helped me to focus on my priorities and goals in leadership and separate the essential from the distractions in my role.”
“I feel empowered to more readily trust my own instincts and judgements.”
“I realise now the need to take risks, embrace what I can change and understand and accept what I can’t.”

To enquire about National Formation Programs, contact:

Jo Hart Director – Director of Formation and Culture
e: jo.hart@erea.edu.au  p: 03 9426 3214

Executive Assistant – Liberating Education
e: formation@erea.edu.au  p: 03 9426 3200

A Call to Leadership:

Region Date Venue
National Zoom 1

Wednesday 7 May


2:30-4:30 AEST

National In Person

03-04 June


Jesuit Spirituality Centre

Sevenhill, SA

National Zoom 2

Tuesday 17 June


2:30-4:30 AEST