Supporting same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people
Live Life to the Full is Edmund Rice Education Australia’s response to providing safe and inclusive learning environments for all students, in particular for same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people.
EREA has developed a set of documents intended to support Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice tradition as they strive for the wellbeing and safety of their students, particularly in regard to combatting homophobia and transphobia. These documents indicate a clear position and provide guidance and support for a ‘whole school’ response to a very important facet of our care of all young people.
The documents include:
Live Life to the Full: EREA Safe and Inclusive Learning Communities Statement
Resources for Principals, School Leaders & Teachers
To support the implementation of this work, EREA is available to work with school leadership teams and staff. Make contact with Jo ( if you would like to take up this offer.