A Call to Transformation
This program provides participants, as experienced staff in schools and associated ministries, with opportunities to celebrate and share the wisdom and experience gained from service within an Edmund Rice community.
A Call to Transformation presents opportunities to explore the special moments in life that some name as sacred and discern how these experiences help attune us to the needs of others.
Participants will be invited to integrate their stories with the stories of our tradition to encourage their ongoing contribution as significant agents of transformation in the world.
Participation in A Call to Transformation offers you:
• time for personal reflection in bringing clarity to your work;
• a focus on the needs of the most vulnerable in your community;
• affirmation of your role as an agent of change within your community, and
• renewed energy to encourage and support others in your community.
What participants have said:
“It highlighted my responsibility not just to the children but the entire community.”
“It helped me recognise and value my own growth and maturity as a staff member.”
“It reconnected me to a sense of belonging and purpose.”
“I now appreciate how I can enrich my community by being myself; just sharing time, story and laughter breeds care.”
To enquire about National Formation Programs, contact:
Jo Hart Director – Director of Formation and Culture
e: jo.hart@erea.edu.au p: 03 9426 3214
Executive Assistant – Liberating Education
e: formation@erea.edu.au p: 03 9426 3200